
Yes, there are rattle snakes. Yes, there are tarantulas. Yes, there are scorpions. And Yes, there are mosquitos. But: their main occupation is not chasing cyclists. Make sure to know, where these animals are and you will be fine. One animal you should really worry about are all the straying dogs along the road. They really like to chase cyclists and they will bite, if they get the chance. Here are three strategies to face this problem. It's up to you which one to use. No guarantees for success! :)

  1. Spray water from you drinking bottle in their faces. It should work. If you bring bear spray, even better. 
  2. Stop, shout at them and show them who's the boss. It should work as well. If it doesn't, you'll have a problem. :)
  3. Try to pedal as fast as you can to get away from the hazard.

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