Stage 2: Ensenada - San Vicente - 82 km

The most challenging part of this stage is probably the traffic getting out of Ensenada and one bigger climb of about 5km at the end of the stage. Be aware of possible detours as there is a lot contraction work going on in this section.

  • Leaving Ensenada is kind of chaotic again. High traffic at a small climb right at El Manuadero (suburbs of Ensenada), which can be intimidating.
  • Soon after leaving Ensenada the traffic will get moderate to almost non existent. Overtaking vehicles will usually give you much space and honk before overtaking to inform you about them. My advice: wave back at them to say thank you. It might pay off in the long run :)
  • After a ride through the valleys with just one minor climb, you'll reach a long hill (ca. 5km ascent, starting at km marker 57). However it's not very steep but the sun in the afternoon can be really demanding at this point!
  • After the hill, it's basically all downhill until San Vicente with only 2-3 smaller counter ascents. Enjoy the views over the valley!
  • SIDE TRIP: Pinturas ruprestres. Cave paintings that you will find directly at the beach. Leave the Highway 1 a couple of km before San Vicente, there will be a sign saying "Pinturas Ruprestres". In total, this will be a detour of ca. 40 km.
  • Shoulders for this stage will - again - change from very wide to small and to non existent getting closer to San Vicente.
Stage 2: Ensenada - San Vicente

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